Fantasy Manga Contest Results
AsSalaamualaykum everyone. We are here to announce the Fantasy Manga Contest Results.
It was a little difficult choosing the top placement ranks but some hard decisions had to be made and now we are here. So without further delay, the winners are….
First Place....
According to our judges the art of this manga is cute and the details that are drawn are also very nice. The story is also good and entertaining for Pokemon fans and maybe others will enjoy it as well.
Second Place....
According to our judges, the art and the application of screen-tones is very good. The details of the dragon are especially nice. The story feels like it is missing some points and can make the reader a bit confused but it will be easily understood as one reads on. “I like the friendship between a human and mystical creature theme.”
Third Place....
According to the judges the art is cute but it feels like unfinished. There is great enthusiasm given off by this story. The story is straightforward but a bit wordy and some misspellings could confuse readers. “I liked the idea and concept though and the clear reference to one of my favorite movies, The Boy and the Beast.”
“All 3 mangakas are beyond awesome”
“And all deserve
Soft, gooey, fresh baked ones. Warm and right outta the oven”
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Cookiiiies! xD
mA, great work .. love the art and enthusiasm! great story lines are important, need content that children will gravitate to.