This Manga is a tale about a wise old man. The Old Cookie Lover coincidentally likes cookies… a lot… like… super duper a lot…
Would you like to read more Muslim Manga like “The Old Cookie Lover”?
We have a collection of Manga with Islamic stories as well as ones with Muslim characters. Such as “The Pious Student”, “Samurai Akiyama” or “Hana & Her Love” and of course a variety of Submissions from our Community!
Muslim Manga is also a group on DeviantArt
There, we are promoting a better understanding of Islam. And a more accurate perspective of Muslims as being good and peaceful humans. We also show Muslim youth Islamic Lessons and lessons in Islamic Teachings. Contests of Muslim Manga are held there too for you to submit, if you like.
DeviantArt is a Website with a collection of online art since August 2000. So groups and individuals can organize their submissions.
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5 Comments. Leave new
Love this
Woww, nice art n the story also shockingly good. Nice work
Now that gives a whole new point of view just by looking at cookies O.o
This is soo adorable
The old man is right , Its good to fast like that too , Ahh.