UPDATE#2: Vote for your favourite entry in the polls now! There will be three rounds, in which each round will last for one week.

UPDATE#1: The activity has ended! Thanks to everyone who participated!
Alhamdulillah, we’ve gotten FIFTEEN submissions for this activity, all of which are simply amazing.
The winners will be decided soon :D

p/s: Get ready for the next mini Contest!

Llama Emoji-03 (Sparkles) [V1] Assalamu’alaikum everyone!

Time for another awesome activity this month!

Now, here’s the activity for this month:Woooosh  “Draw how you would portray Aya (one of our OCs), as a superhero. ” Woooosh

Use your endless creativity to determine how she could be portrayed as a superhero.
It could be her outfit, costume, super powers or whatever that you think defines a superhero.

Choo Choo Express :-: Supehero  The rules are simple:
1. She must be wearing a proper Hijab.
2. Outfit cannot be skin-tight or anywhere near that.
3. Give Aya a Superhero name

Submissions for this activity must be made before:
11:59 pm, 5th of October (EDT).

Woooosh  The top 3 submissions will get a feature
on the front page of Muslim-Manga for TWO(2) Weeks, inshaAllah.

And… if we get a lot of submissions, there might be additional prizes for the winner. Emoji32
So, go on and spread the word about this activity! Emoji02

p/s:If you don’t have the time to meet the deadline, feel free to suggest a superhero name for Aya in the comments!

I'm a Super Hero! by SirImran
Sorry Aya… Now everyone does!


Some reference for Aya:

Sura and Aya by SirImran
*note that Aya is wearing pants under her skirt, not leg warmers.

Aya is a very excited, happy, and energetic manga loving girl… Emoji38 by Emoji-icon
Sura, her younger brother is more serious and studious, and maybe too.. He tries to not get involved in Aya’s activities, but he always somehow gets dragged in…
They are both Japanese, but they’re Muslim.. and they go to a Japanese high school.. One day Aya gets a new idea.  Emoji06 by Emoji-icon
She makes a club called Muslim Manga in her high school… so she can teach others about what Muslims are really like through manga  (Aya Starts a Muslim Manga Club ).  She likes manga and she wants to tell others about Islam and about Muslim people’s hearts.  She thinks it is the perfect idea.  Sura would rather not attract more attention to himself, but Aya drags him against his will and makes him join the club… Emoji28 by Emoji-icon

CE : Aya the Ironbender by EunniePop Aya the 'Alchemist' mage by ButterLux Aya Strong - Contest by Afier22 Aya, The Seeker by season-walker
<da:thumb id=”486289308″/>Aya - greenranger by hakimizuMyst by ayzfarr
Aya the manga traveller!! by Dekaal-lmAya the Liberator by CyprusBeetleAya: The Orange Girl? by nrvrlAya Green Protector by artdeeb96
Aya the Star Paladin by zulan477AYa - swordmaster by hakimizuNightingale-Aya the SuperHero by hellonabeeha Untitled by Yurafo


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www.MuslimManga.org Facebook/MuslimManga| twitter@MuslimManga
Support Muslim-Manga by donating :points: points :points: here
The more points we get, the more super we can become!
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