Muslim Manga Contest – Remembering Family

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (In the name of God, the most gracious, most merciful)

 Assalamu Alaikum Everyone, time to be Remembering Family!

In Islam, we have different responsibilities to different things. We have our resbonsiblity to our Creator, to our family, relatives, neighbours, friends, school, work, enviroment etc.

Sometimes we mix which must be our priority. Of course our responsibilty towards God comes first. And the second, is our family. Even when it comes to spreading good and forbidding evil, we should start with our family as Allah commanded. He also commands us to be kind to our parents, siblings and children and take care of them.
But in our daily lifes we may neglect our parents and siblings because of our friends, school, work etc. Let’s end this and remember our family and spend time with them as much as possible which is the best way to show our love.

So, how can we remember our family? How can we show our love to our parents? How can we be friends with our siblings and lead them to good?

This contest İnshaAllah with your contribution, will help us to find answer to these!! Let’s do our best and remind everyone about remembering family and showing our love to them with our drawings!

Good luck! Ganbarimashou~


Contest Theme
  • Remembering Family
  • Making a 4koma or webcomic about “Respecting and Remembering Family”
  • Entry must be according to the given theme.
Rules and infos:
  • Follow & like “Mozart Supplies” on facebook.
  • Multiple entries are allowed.
  • Only one can win
  • It’s important for the drawing to be drawn with care
  • Characters must be dressed decently, which means no tight / revealing clothing
  • Write “” in the bottom corner of your artwork
  • Send original files to
  • Entries are judged primarily based on message and the effectiveness of it.



Winners will be given cool drawing tools from Mozart Supplies and will be shipped internationally to the winner

  • 1st place – Watercolor paint set (24 colors), Water Brush pen set.
  • 2nd place – Single Brush pen set (12 Colors).
  • 3rd place – A set of essential Mechanical pencils.
We will start a new point system for this contest.
  • Submitting your entry to us gets you 5 points
  • Any additional pages for your entry gets you 2 points per page.
  • Sharing your submission on social media with #MuslimMangaContest & the contest banner gets you one point per share.
  • Facebook + 1
  • Twitter + 1
  • deviantArt + 1
  • google plus + 1
  • Instagram + 1
  • post it on + 2
  • Nur City City council member votes are +15 points per vote


  • If you’re not sure of a new social network, ask us on
  • Note that all social media posts must be public. If we can’t see it, then it doesn’t count.
  • Email your submission(s) to
  •  4th January 2018
  • If you have any questions, please ask them on, or in the comment section.
  • Or, send us an email to


Everyone is invited to take part in this contest. Have fun!


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