Salaamoalaykom, welcome back to the Manga Contest: Fictional Heroes!
The winning Manga is Justice by warnawani!
[Old Entry ]
Salaamoalaykom and peace be to you. I originally said I wasn’t going to extend the Manga Contest: Fictional Heroes, but I decided to extend it after all, since no one had completed their manga. I extended it, but I am adding a new rule! Now, your manga has to be at least 10n pages of manga and a cover, also the story must be complete. You have three months to work on this manga so please do your best job. If you have any donations for prizes, please let us know.
Deadline :
Aug 31 2012 – Extended the deadline. Please Submit yoru manga on time.
Theme :
Fictional Muslim Heroes or Super Heroes. Make a manga that the main character is a Muslim hero.
a) He/She can live in a Muslim country and be a local hero.
b) He/She could live in a non Muslim country and be a local hero.
c) He/She could live in a Muslim country and be a world wide hero.
d) He/She could be a Muslim who lives in a non Muslim country and is a world wide hero.
Contest Details :
General Manga Contest Information [here]
Create a multi page manga that discusses the theme above.
Prizes :
1st place
A 3 month subscription to deviantart
A 6 months sub instead of 3 if we get a lot of participants
A drawing request from LovableLuma
from LovableLuma
2 week feature on muslim-manga
a llama badge from LovableLuma
2nd place
A 3 month subscription to deviantart
from LovableLuma
2 week feature on muslim-manga
a llama badge from LovableLuma
3rd place
from LovableLuma
2 week feature on muslim-manga
a llama badge from LovableLuma