Winners of the Logo Contest
We have our winners of the Logo Contest. First of all, we are sorry for all of those who did not win, because ALL of the entries were really AWESOME, so it was really hard to pick these 2 out.
We had two winners have a tie:
As the instruction says, the winner (in this case winners) will get a 3 month subscription if they also win a Muslim Manga Monthly contest. So whenever each of tieq or tuffix win a Muslim Manga Monthly, they will get a 3 month subscription instead of a one month subscription
Small Request
For each of the winners, we have a small request. Could you provide us with the photoshop file and or illustrator file and or whatever program file that you used to make your entry with. The reason this contest was put up was so we could get an idea for what to incorporate in a logo for Muslim Manga, so we might not necessarily use it, but rather a logo that looks similar to one of your logos or both.
Disclaimer – These entries only represent the views of the authors and artists. They do not represent the views of Muslim-Manga (group).
1. soulfight-a-devianty.deviantar… – by soulfight-a-devianty
2.… – by AirGroundForce
3.… – by tieq
4.… – by blk-komik
5.… – by Nebunedzar
6.… – by Nebunedzar
7.… – by tuffix
8.… – by muna127
9.… – by Wilpan
10.… – by e60m
There are more 😀
11.… – by zazi-chan
12.… – by shakoda
13.… – by rabbii
14.… – by namikpasha
15.… – by namikpasha
16.… – by namikpasha
17. hobbitzwilleatyou.deviantart.c… – by hobbitzwilleatyou
July 22 to August 13th
Three month subscription. Read instructions for details.
Short Rules
- Be creative
- No profanity
- No nudity
- Multiple entries allowed
- Join this group : [link]
It is Simple. Design a logo for Muslim-Manga. For this contest there will only be one winner. If you use fonts not made by yourself, please tell us what fonts you used and where you got them from. Whoever wins this AND a Muslim Manga Monthly contest (it cannot be a previous one) , will get a THREE month subscription instead of the usual one month subscription. If there is only one contestant, then they will not win automatically. Since it is a one deviation contest there has to be at least 10 entries. If you chose to enter, you are allowing us to use your deviation in one way or another for Muslim Manga.
When submitting deviations for this event you should title them the following:
“Muslim Manga Logo Contest”
After that, note us at Muslim-Manga with the title being “MM LOGO CONTEST”