Assalaam ue Alaykum everyone!
Welcome to the “Importance of Fasting Contest” event! Here are the results, please do enjoy!
It’s a Tie! Both submissions are Super Amazing! (I love both of the mangas ) Who gets the prize? It is a tie so that means the two winners can split the prize in half. Each person gets a three month subscription.
For past and future submissions: All mangas were and are awesome and I want to let all participants know that even though they did not get first place, they should not be upset. Everyone, keep up the work and please submit to our contests again! We love your mangas!
July 1 – September 20 here:…
Short Rules
- Be creative
- No profanity
- No nudity
- Multiple entries allowed
- Join this group : [link]
Rules are on the sidebar. Please read all of the information on the sidebar. If you have any questions about “Importance of Fasting Contest”, please ask them in this blog entry.
Update: Muslim-Manga creates contests to encourage the making of new art about Muslims or Islam, so we won’t allow old entries. If you create 1 deviation specifically for this contest, then we w