This is a mini contest.
1. Follow all submissions rules. Read them here: (If you don’t follow the rules, your submission doesn’t get accepted)
2. Draw Aya or Sura, or Poji cosplaying as a a character from a Nintendo game. Who are Aya & Sura & Poji. They’re Muslim Manga’s logo characters. Find out more here:…
3. Have questions? Ask them in the comment section.
4. Post submissions to the “contests” folder AND Post a link to your drawing in the comment section.
5. Some Nintendo characters are not appropriate, so these characters (that will not be mentioned) will not be accepted as submissions.
6. Be creative.
7. Check back here in case I forgot to write a rule.
The dead line for submissions is: March 20th 2015
If you need an example, here is what someone has done before: