Here are the results of the Anniversary 2010 Contest!
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Sorry it took so long to announce the winners.
Salaams everyone. This contest is now closed! Please read the rules and all other information written here…
This is for new art only. We are not accepting old art for this contest.
On May the 1st 2009 I started the Muslim-Manga group on deviantArt. (I had a site called Muslim-Manga before that, but only a few of you may have known about it.). Since May 1st has come again, we want to celebrate Muslim-Manga’s Anniversary. There will inshaAllah be a Support Muslim Manga Contest
The basic idea is to create a an anime or manga style deviation that supports Muslim-Manga through the Anniversary 2010 Contest event. You must still follow general rules of the group and the drawings must be appropriate. Read the rules that are posted here…
May 1 – Jun 20 here:…