AsSalaamualaykum everyone,

We have a few areas on the site that I’d like to distinguish apart. Theses areas are the blog, the updates, and the articles.



The blog is going to be a more casual area with random updates and thoughts. This may include small announcements about events or activities we have going on, but will not necessarily have in-depth writing on topics that are raised.

However, blog posts won’t be limited to casual updates. Other types of blog posts may include posts like “top Muslim superhero comics”, “best community submissions of the week”. “top 5 most popular comics on Muslim Manga”. etc.



As opposed to blog posts, articles will be focused on giving much more detailed information on different topics that are raised and will strike a more serious tone. Topics will primarily be topics that will help artists, and writers improve in Muslim character-based content creation.



The Notice category is a category to give updates with regard to Muslim Manga, the Muslim Manga website, the community, and other things related to Muslim Manga.
