Project Memers 2020
Project Memers 2020 by school club Memers: Here are the results! The members called Memers of this club have worked together to finish their collage in time. Thank you for your hard work dear students of Nur University and thank you dear visiters who have joined us at the festival!
Please enjoy the memes collected by the club members. The club’s advisor has made captionless versions for the meme game at the festival.
Memes that are not made by Muslim Manga were collected from the internet. Credit goes to their respective original meme makers.

Dingling: “When u realize its coffe not kohi”
Frowny: “Any bright ideas?”
Afii: “It’s too bright”
Slayer: “When you read quran the whole day uwu”
Smiley: “When you are driving and can’t get the sun out of your eyes”

Dingling: “Life can be so unfair sometimes”
Afii: “When u want more but u got a freakin big seed-”
Kaze: “Expectations vs reality”
Slayer: “When you think Nur City filled with Japanese people vs when you actually get there”

Slayer: “Me right now working on Voice Over Channel stuff”
Kaze: “When you wake up and you are out off coffee beans!”
Afii: “When u waiting for your payment but you didnt get pay for it-”
Dingling: “When coffe cause more anxiety”
Titania: “Me when im wrong and can’t win an argument x.x”
Smiley: “Sura”

Afii: “When u meet a crazy granny-”
Slayer: “When u walk into ur bro’s room and he has the whole pantry in his lap”
Dingling: “When u come back home at 3 am hoping everyone will be sleeping”
Kaze: “When you are going in for an interview”
“My grandma what big nose you have
Granny: The better for me to smell”
Zhar: “When there’s a guest and your mom forces you to greet them”

Afii: “When u need a second keyboard to play games”
Dingling: “When you know how to play a game but u have a Playstation 2”
Slayer: “What i hope i never have to see again after i finish school”
“Now introducing: Razer RGB Calculator
For all the math quizzes that you fail, now you can in still fail but in RGB”
“Me: Mom can I have a calculator
Mom: We already have a calculator at home
The calculator at home:”
Frowny: “What I need for my broken laptop keyboard”

Slayer: “The stages of Voice Over Club’s Festival preparations”
Afii: “When ur mom said “you cant marry someone u just met”
Ashenat: “Women with man vs singles”
“Teacher: Everyone failed the test
My classmates:
Me:(Merida) I’m not alone!”
“WHO: we will completly vanish covid
Girl named KOVID”
Frowny: “When your teacher tells the class to answer the question but your are the only one that know the answer”

Dingling: “When u have a little cousin over and he wants to play on your PC”
Afii: “When u watch a cute anime and it gonna shot u-”
Zakkiatherous: “When you show your niece what anime is and she turned chuuni”
Kaze: “When i am caught stealing the leftover icecream from the fridge in the middle of the night”
Smiley: “When Slayer starts eruing”
Frowny: “When your favorite anime character going to get killed”
Cha: “When your little sister want to ruin your drawing ;-;”

Afii: “When u drinking ur own face-”
Mahad: “When kiko and you being kikoed are here”
Afii: “When u are amaze/proud with ur own jokes”
Kaze: “When self love reaches a whole new level!”
Zhar: “Me drinking a lot of milo that I have become the Milo”
“Someone: Do you look at your face?
Me : I start my day with it (nescafe)”

Mahad: “When u are up and down at the same time”
“NASA: The aliens are always watching us they are up to something
ALIENS: Num num num”
“1st image: My hard work minecraft build
2nd image: Creeper: Well hello there”
“Everyone in nurcity having a hard time to put the caption
Kiko : Chilling out”

“1. The police is stopping u from crossing
2. The police start questioning ur life
3. When the police realize that u need some love”
“1st Hey you! Yeah you over there stop!
2nd you know why i stopped you?
3rd it’s because your too cute”
“1. Stop
2. Hi
3. Bye”
1. Stop right there
2. Do you have a nurzen citizenship?!
3. You can enter
“Ham: U were speeding sir.
Me : No i was driving
Ham: But u were driving fast
Me: No im driving a car
Ham: Am i stupid?
Me: If you say so

Sanamon Roll: “People when I make jokes”
TheWiseAden: “When the guests arrive without you knowing”
Sariran: “When you see your boss outside of work xD”
Cha: “When your homework is like a mountain ;)”
Afii: “When u forgot to bring ur wallet to pay ur drinks”
Frowny: “When you don’t get a joke”
Beardinal: “When not even a global pandemic wants you”

Sanamon Roll: “What you look like in the mirror vs What you look like in a selfie”
DeenaDiana: “Expectation vs reality idk”
Afii: “What people see outside VS what I look like inside”
Beardinal: “My dad when he yells at the little kids versus me when I yell at the little kids”
Smiley: “Me in real life vs me when I flex in the mirror”
Ayub: “Me on discord vs me in school”
“Top image: (Slamming the door)
Bottom image: (When your mom comes up the stairs)”

Sanamon Roll: “You sure about that?’”
Beardinal: “That feeling when they give you wrong drink for the third time”
Slayer: “I have a nice beard. BELIEVE IT!”
Kaze: “Do not touch my spaghetti”
Ayub: “When you think that drink might have alcohol in it”
Afii: “When u trying to drink your tea and someone talking about u-“

Dingling: “When you are tired but your friends keep talking”
Zakkiatherous: “When your two small friends are talking”
Afii: “When both of ur friend talking about a topics u had no idea what is it”
Saymastein: “When ur taller and you look down”

Beardinal: “When your friend shows you their perfect grade on the exam you failed”
Afii: “When ur friend buy the dolls that you want”
Frowny: “Sensei Maki is not amused”
Mahad: “When u dont know how to get rid of that thing”
Sanamon Roll: “When I try to talk to my brother and he’s making a presentation”
Kiko: “When your friend shows you their rare Pokemon card”
Cha: “When you go to library with your mom while your siblings have fun with their dad”
Poji: “ Vs Annoyed Maki sensei”

Club Advisor Kiko: “The memers project/game will be: I will share with you memes that are without captions. You may type or say what the potential caption may be. No right or wrong, just be creative and keep it appropriate. Then we will share with you the original/our version!”
Nurizen Zhar: “The level of the memes get harder”
Thank you to everyone who has worked on this project:
Nurizen Afii: “Yeeeeessssssss”
Nurizen Dingling: “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss”
Nurizen Zhar: “YESSS”
Please enjoy the results of other Nur City Festival projects and we hope we’ll see you live at the potential next Festival as a visitor or even as a new citizen of Nur City!
1 Comment. Leave new
I had alot fo fun when the meme club did thier presentation and games!!!!!! once again arigato !!!! MAy Allah have mercy on U all who worked hard on this and made us laugh and have fun