Project Book Club 2020

Project Book Club 2020 by school club Book Club: Here are the results! The members called Book Club Members of this club have worked together to finish their work in time. Thank you for your hard work dear students of Nur University and thank you dear visiters who have joined us at the festival!

Book Club Members and Nurizens have been collecting words to make beautiful word clouds~

The Book Club Members have collected words from their favourite authors
Here, the Book Club Members have collected words that represent the difference between formal writing in novels and regular speech lingo.
And at the festival the Book Club Members have collected words from Nurizens to form this beautiful word cloud

Nur.City: A place for the Community of and by MuslimManga has opened its door on Discord for anyone!

Club President Saymastein: “The top one are words from our favourite authors (first picture), and the bottom one is to represent the difference between formal writing in novels and regular speech lingo (second picture).”

Thank you to everyone who has worked on this project:

  • Saymastein
  • TheWiseAden
  • Lilacpaw
  • And of course the Nurizens and Visitors who have kindly contributed words
Book Club Member Lilacpaw: “Tried the diamond art thing! Took a long time but it was fun to make! I just listed out some memes here.”

Book Club Member TheWiseAden: “Yes, fruitful book discussions shall emerge once again!”

Please enjoy the results of other Nur City Festival projects and we hope we’ll see you live at the potential next Festival as a visitor or even as a new citizen of Nur City!

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